Bible Study: Complete List

Complete List of Bible Studies at Living Hope Church

Children and Teens
Sunday Morning Kids Club (3K-6th Grade)
Children meet on Sundays 9:15-10:15am in classrooms next to the worship center, 1337 S. 100th St.,
(September - May).

Teen Bible Study (7th-12th Grade)
Sundays at 9:15am September - May
Location: Meeting room across from the parent's room at the church campus.

Catechism Confirmation Class for public school students is available. Seventh and Eighth grade students who do not attend our elementary school are encouraged to attend these classes to prepare for confirmation.

Bible studies are held throughout the week on various topics and in several styles and formats.  Come every week or just once in a while.  While the content of most studies is aimed at adults, teens and children are also welcome to attend.  It is up to the parent to decide if the topic is appropriate for their children.  The church fellowship hall and church meeting room, located on the lower level, can be reached through the church entryway via the stairs or the elevator. Click on the blue links for each Bible study listing to view more details about current and future topics. Please note that some studies do not meet during the summer.

Streaming Audio
Complete Audio Collection 

Sundays 9:15-10:15am  
Sunday Topics  
Each topic is presented by one of our pastors.
Location: Living Hope Church Worship Center, 1337 S. 100th St.

Mondays (Select Mondays 6:30-7:30pm)
Jesus Cares Special Needs Bible Class
Location: Living Hope (Bible Study Room), 1337 S. 100th St.

Wednesdays 10:00am or 6:30pm
Wednesday Bible Study
Bible study focusing on a select book of the Bible or Bible-related topic. Study meets September through May.
Location: Living Hope (Bible Study Room), 1337 S. 100th St.

Thursdays 11:00am-12:00pm 
Senior Topics 
Bible study for seniors, although anyone is welcome to attend. Study meets September through May.
Location: church fellowship hall

Select Saturdays 10:00am
Men's Ministry - Faith 2 Action
Location: Living Hope Worship Center, 1337 S. 100th St.

Select Saturdays 10:15am
Mary Mornings Women's Bible Study 
Bible study for women, led by women. 
Location: Living Hope school campus in the Multi-purpose Room (2217 S. 99th St.).

Road to Emmaus Movie and DVD (with Bible Studies) 
Journey with several first century travelers. Hear ancient Biblical mysteries revealed. Learn why the life and death of Jesus is so important to you today. "A powerful and compelling presentation." This 30 minute video follows the story of Luke 24:13-49 and imagines what the conversation between Jesus and his two disciples might have been. The movie draws from actual Biblical accounts and passages found throughout the Scriptures to build this conversation.

Come Follow Me Movie and DVD (with Bible Studies) 
Come Follow Me is a movie that depicts what it means to be a disciple, a follower of Jesus. The movie recounts the experience of the Apostle Peter—his misunderstanding, denial, doubts, and fears.  The answer for Peter is Jesus who assures his disciple of forgiveness through his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. The way for Peter to be a follower of Jesus is found in the power and promises of Jesus’ word.  In the same way as it is for us. The movie dramatizes Peter’s progression from the denier before the crucifixion to the preacher of repentance and salvation at Pentecost. Recalling Jesus’ invitation to Peter and others to follow him and become fishers of men, the film is entitled Come Follow Me.

My Son, My Savior Movie and DVD (with Bible Studies)
Only one woman had the unique privilege to call Jesus her son. Mary was blessed to be the mother of the Savior who was sent by God to rescue the world from sin and death. Watch as Mary experiences the miracle of Jesus' coming and humbly grows in the understanding that her son is also her Savior. The good news is that Jesus is your Savior too.

To The Ends of the Earth Movie and DVD (with Bible Studies) 
The film follows Paul's remarkable visit to the city of Philippi, recorded in Acts 16. Viewers will see how Paul connected with people from all walks of life, demonstrating that the good news of Jesus is indeed for all people—to the very ends of the earth.

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Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. ~ HEBREWS 12:2 (NIV)