Learn More About Electronic Giving: FAQ

Learn More About Electronic Giving: FAQ
    What is Electronic Giving?
  • The term Electronic Giving encompasses a wide range of secure, automatic payment methods that can be used to make regular church offerings without the need to write checks, carry cash, or prepare envelopes.
    Why choose Electronic Giving?
  • As Christians, we are responsible for managing the gifts God has shared with us. “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.”  1 Corinthians 16:2.  Electronic Giving helps with your money management, establishes a system for regular giving, and is consistent—no more missed donations due to illness, vacation or other conflicts.
    Why does Living Hope offer Electronic Giving?
  • Electronic Giving brings convenience, security and privacy to your offerings. Electronic Giving is a growing and viable giving channel. Plus, it provides regular, consistent donations for our congregation, saves church staff time, and adds greater security in the church office.
    Can I set up Automatic Recurring Offerings?
  • Yes. You can easily set up a one-time gift or designate automatic recurring offerings. Also, you have the ability to activate multiple recurring donations and designate them to separate funds.
    What if I need to cancel or suspend my offering?
  • You may cancel or suspend your donations at any time.  Simply choose the "Change/Cancel Previously Set Up Recurring Gift" option, login to your created profile and make any necessary changes.
    Does this replace traditional giving channels?
  • No. Electronic giving is an option for faithful stewardship. It will not replace any traditional giving channels.
    How does Living Hope exercise wise and faithful stewardship?
  • We give our offerings to God alone. Living Hope manages these financial resources for God’s glory and for the growth of God’s Kingdom.  Giving honors the Lord and allows his work to go forward.
    How safe is Electronic Giving?
  • Electronic Giving is fast, safe, and easy. In fact, it’s less risky than checks or cash, which can be lost or stolen.
    What about special collections?
  • On our electronic giving site, donors can choose gift categories or specify a special purpose (under the "Other" category).
    How do I keep my checkbook in balance if I am not writing checks?
  • Your contributions will be clearly listed on your monthly checking or savings account statements. Also, since your contribution is made on a pre-established day, you can deduct it from your register at any time.
    Will I still receive a year-end statement?
  • Yes.

Thank you for considering a gift to help Living Hope Church
proclaim the Good News that Jesus is our Savior.

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Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. ~ LUKE 12:32