There's a place where only you fit!
Featured Volunteer Service Opportunities:
LHL Property Maintenance Meeting—For better communication and organization regarding building maintenance and projects, you are invited to a meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 6:00pm in the LH Worship Center. If you do work at any of our properties, know about our buildings, or would like to help in any way, interior and exterior, from small to large projects, please join us! If you are unable to attend, please contact Dave Parbs at 414-218-3201 (call or text) or daveparbs@gmail.com.
Offering Counters Needed - Please contact Brian Grady or the church office to volunteer.
Bring Snacks for After-church Fellowship -- Please sign up online
Living Hope Choirs need singers and bell ringers!—We welcome back our current members and look forward to meeting new musicians—no experience required! Practices are on Thursday night from 6-7PM (bells) and 7-8 PM (choir). This is a great way to meet new people and use your talents in the church! Come check it out the first week if you're unsure—no obligation. Bells begins 9/5 and choir begins 9/12. Contact Tina 414-732-6894 (bells) or Anika 916-837-1996 (choir) with any questions.
Livestreaming Volunteers Needed—We're seeking volunteers for our livestream services who are available at least once per month. As a volunteer, you'll help broadcast our church services to those who can't attend in-person. A basic understanding of computers is necessary; we will train you on the system and pair you with a veteran. (This is a great opportunity for teens and/or college students who need volunteer hours!) If you have questions or would like to sign up, contact David Hofer (hoferdj@yahoo.com), Emily Hein (schulz.emilym@gmail.com), or Pastor Wempner.
Cleaning the Church - become a part of a cleaning team, serving several times per year.
Ushers and Greeters -- Welcome worshipers, assist with the details of worship during services as directed by pastors or elders.