WELS Media Resources

WELS Connection Video Series

The WELS Connection video series has transported viewers around the country—and the world—in an ongoing effort to keep our Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) congregations connected. Video has the special ability to bring the sights and sounds of our Lord’s work directly into our congregations. WELS Connection feature stories give viewers a first-hand look at nearly every aspect of our church’s mission and ministry—from home and world missions to youth ministry and ministerial education. Plus, the program reports on the work taking place within individual congregations across the country. It’s a “news you can use” approach—designed to communicate good ideas that other congregations and individuals might want to consider.

View recent releases of
WELS Connection Video
View Daily Devotions from the Wisconsin Evangelical
Lutheran Synod




Road to Emmaus, Come Follow Me ,
My Son, My Savior, To the Ends of the Earth



Forward in Christ

Forward in Christ is the official magazine of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and your link to the WELS-worldwide. Keep in touch by reading the monthly features and informative articles. Look to Forward in Christ for a biblical focus on today’s issues and news, insightful editorials, and responses from readers. Every issue offers help for Christian living.

View recent issues of
Forward In Christ Magazine

WELS Christ's Love Our Calling

Together E-newsletter

This bi-weekly e-newsletter features a message from the president and the latest news and developments from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

View recent issues of Together. 


Academia Cristo 

For our Spanish-speaking friends and neighbors.
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? ~ PSALM 27:1