If you’re like every other human being, you don’t like to be told that you are wrong. Our sinful nature despises the thought of being corrected. But for us who know Jesus Christ, we are eager to do what is right. We are willing to be told that we are wrong because we do not want to continue down a path of sin. In Psalm 141:5 (NIV) we read: "Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it."

The Psalmist was willing to accept correction because he knew it would benefit him. Your sinful nature will never like being corrected, but we are not controlled by the sinful nature anymore. We belong to Christ Jesus. As a child of God who is eager to do good, accept correction in a spirit of gratitude. You are being led back to the right path. That is something that a Christian will never refuse.


Pastor Aufdemberge

Pastor Kneser

Pastor Wempner

Pastor Zarling