The gospel message that you, by God’s grace, believe is nothing new. As he began writing his epistle to the Christians in Rome, Paul commented that the gospel message of Jesus as the Savior was promised through the prophets in the Old Testament.

Romans 1:2 (NIV) ". . . the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures."

Granted, because of their place on the timeline of history, the Old Testament people did not see all the details that we can see in the life of Jesus. Nonetheless, they were looking forward to a Savior who would take away the sin of the world. They believed a promise of God that was not yet fulfilled. Through that faith in God’s promise, the Old Testament believers were saved.

You might compare it to what Judgement Day is to us. We know it is coming, and we know some of what will happen based what the Scriptures tell us. But we do not know all the details yet. Yet, we believe the promises of God of future deliverance for all who believe in Jesus when the world comes to an end.

God’s plan has always been the same – he will save those who believe in him. By his grace, you live each day under the promise of salvation. Because of Jesus – who lived, died, and rose for you – you know that God’s forgiveness is real, and his plan is to deliver you to heaven. Live in the comfort of God’s consistent love for all his people. This love covers you too!


Pastor Aufdemberge

Pastor Kneser

Pastor Wempner

Pastor Zarling