1/1/2025 8:13:10 PM
Number Our Days
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”
Psalm 90:12 (NIV)
As we begin a new year, it is good to recall Moses’ words (Moses wrote Psalm 90). We need to “number our days aright.” First, let’s remember that the number of days we will spend on earth is infinity fewer than the eternal days in heaven. The Children of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt was a journey to the Promised Land. The harsh desert in which they lived for forty years was not the destination; the “land flowing with milk and honey” was. Heaven is our real home, prepared for us by Jesus Christ!
But let’s also remember that the days we have in this life are gifts from God to be used in service to him. Don’t waste your days here letting sin be your master. Jesus has freed you from sin so that you can enjoy loving and serving like he did. Sure, you’re busy — everyone is — but don’t let busyness keep you from people who really matter. Sometimes there just isn’t enough time to do everything, so number your days aright and chose what is best and most important. Someone once said, “The enemy of the best is the good.” Focus on what the best opportunities God gives you to serve him! Use the time God has given you in ways that please him. You will not be disappointed.
Pastor Aufdemberge
Pastor Kneser
Pastor Wempner
Pastor Zarling