12/25/2024 1:12:37 PM
Jesus Our Savior in His Birth
...We celebrate the birth of our Savior. Because he came, we are saved! The following section is from a sermon Martin Luther preached on Christmas Day. He reminds us that Jesus is our Savior, not only on the cross and at his resurrection, but also in his birth.
"The real reason why a man is saved is that Christ and the believing heart are so united that what each possesses becomes the common property of both. But what does each possess? Christ has a pure, innocent, holy birth. Man has an impure, sinful cursed birth, as David says: 'Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.' There is no remedy for this sinful birth expect through the pure birth of Christ. See, in this way Christ takes from us unto Himself our birth and sinks it into His birth and give us His birth, so that we become pure and new in it, as though it were our own. Every Christian may rejoice and glory in this birth of Christ as though he, too, like Christ, had been bodily born of Mary. Whoever does not believe this, or doubts it, is no Christian." -What Luther Says, p. 197
Pastor Aufdemberge
Pastor Kneser
Pastor Wempner
Pastor Zarling