“Perfect peace!?” That would be great, wouldn’t it? For that matter, how about just some peace?

Those who trust in the Lord have peace! We have the peace of knowing that we are forgiven, freely because of Jesus! We have the peace of knowing that death has lost its grip on us! Jesus’ resurrection is real. We have the peace of knowing that God is present in our lives and that he speaks to us very clearly in his Word. We have the peace of knowing that, in spite of all the wickedness we see in the world, Jesus wins!

The news about what is happening in the world can destroy our peace. The troubles that we face individually can wreak our peace. Instead, focus on the love that your Lord has for you – a love that is crystal clear at the cross and resurrection of Jesus. Troubles may not go away, but you know that the true God is at work in your life, based solely on his love for you. So be at peace! Face the world in the peace of knowing that your Lord has saved you and will never leave you!

Isaiah 26:3–4 (NIV) You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.

Pastor Wempner

Pastor Zarling