1/29/2022 5:02:45 PM
Knowing Jesus as Savior Changes Everything
The truths we hear and learn at church, in Bible Class, or as we read our Bibles are not theoretical truths that won’t matter until we die. To know Jesus as your Savior changes the way we think and therefore the attitudes that can control us.
Here is one example from Proverbs 19:23: "The fear of the LORD leads to life: Then one rests content, untouched by trouble." (NIV)
I’m fairly certain that many of the members of Good Shepherd’s Lutheran Church can think of a few reasons to be anxious. While thoughts of meeting God at death cannot be totally erased from our minds, it is often the daily troubles that get more attention. We have lived for two years with fear and uncertainty as constants – in truth, fear and uncertainty have always been around, they are just far more obvious now.
As the Proverb above says, trusting in the Lord can calm our fears. God’s love for you is so complete that he did everything to take away your sins. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are the completed story of our forgiveness and the sure promise of God’s unending love.
As you see reasons to be anxious, don’t lose sight of God’s love for you. Everything he does in your life is because he loves you. Even hardships and trials are based on his desire for you to remain in faith and to be his child. In the certainty of God’s love, you can rest with contentment and know that troubles cannot change who you are.
You may not like the recent paths that God has chosen for you; that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about you. In his perfect wisdom, he knew that the difficult path was the right path for you. And he loved you enough to lead you in the right direction!
Grow in your faith and you will see life with new eyes and renewed confidence. You will rest in quiet peace, regardless of the situation.
Pastor Tim Wempner