If I took a survey of everyone at my church, how many do you think would answer "yes" to the following statement? I want to go and proclaim the gospel to people who will probably reject it. I’m guessing there wouldn’t be too many enthusiastic answers. Imagine standing in front of a whole group of people who are eager to hear what you have to say, but when you start talking about Jesus and what he’s done, they start to scoff at you and slowly the crowd thins to one or two spectators. Being an unwelcome messenger is no easy task and nobody wants to be rejected because of the message they bring.

But isn’t that what we’ve signed up for? Isn’t that the job God has called us to do? In a sense, he has. And if you look outside these four walls, it doesn’t take long to find people who don’t want to hear what we have to say; who show by their passive apathy that God is not important to them.

How does that make you feel, Christian? How do you feel when you see countless thousands marching their way towards an imminent encounter with a perfect God who will demand from them an accounting for their lives? And how do you feel when you see fellow Christians shrug off the good news and through their actions oppose the gospel?

We know how it feels. Yet God has called us to be his messengers, messengers who face opposition, but messengers who also receive God’s help.

The prophet Jeremiah was no stranger to rejection. He prophesied to a people who largely rejected the message God had given him to proclaim. Once, his life was even threatened, but he escaped the plot. Jeremiah records the words which give us comfort in Jeremiah 11:20, "But, O LORD Almighty, you who judge righteously and test the heart and mind, let me see your vengeance upon them, for to you I have committed my cuase." Jeremiah was right to pray this way and, given similar circumstances, we might be, too. But the point is this: God will take care of you as you share his message. We can committ our cause to him and trust that he will give it the success he desires.