I hope everyone had a very nice Easter celebration. I thought we had a lovely service at our church last week, and I hope you were able to worship with the saints of God someplace too. So that’s it, right? Now the festival of Easter is over and it’s back to reality. The celebration was fun, but there are still bills to pay; there are still problems in our life. If you got together with family over Easter did any of those old family issues come back again? Christ is risen…but the joy seems to fade so fast. Christ is risen…but I don’t really feel it like I did last week. Christ is risen…so why do I feel like he hasn’t? Isn’t that the way holidays go sometimes? You go from being really excited and then the reality of this sorrowful world hits you all the harder. It’s like we almost escaped for a moment—we almost saw heaven—and then, boom, back to reality. And we doubt if Easter still means something right now.

            Well, it is Easter—without a doubt. Because what Easter means doesn’t depend on us. Easter is built on the Word and work of God. Easter comes to us from a special message of God that erases our doubts and gives true and complete peace. It’s Easter—without a doubt. The message of Easter gives us what’s missing and the message makes us eyewitnesses of Easter, too.