4/12/2017 2:36:30 PM
Silent Wednesday
This is a post from Pastor David Kolander of Christ the Lord in Brookfield, WI. He sent this out earlier today. It is very fitting for today.
There really is nothing quiet about “Silent Wednesday,” is there?
My heartache for causing the Lord’s passion certainly allows no silence. There is nothing silent about my arrogance or my laziness, my complaining about others or my questioning of God, my sin and my guilt. God is not silent about letting me know what should be the eternal lot for us sons of Adam.
There also is nothing silent about the difficulties I endure. Inside my heart and from my lips there are cries of “Lord, help me” as I face the fact that the experience of suffering is one that should come as no surprise. God makes it clear that it can be no different for those who are the sons of Adam.
What is different is our Lord’s reaction. “But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many” (Romans 5:15). God is not quiet about his overflowing grace. It is his guarantee that what should by my lot was what my Savior endured. It is his comfort that no suffering I endure can ever separate me from his love.
Silent Wednesday may be a time of quiet in the Gospels about the words and works of Jesus, but it is one more day to reflect on what those words and works mean for me.