6/23/2016 9:56:37 AM
Christians need to offer better help
In every bookstore there is a section usually called “self help.” It’s filled with books about improving relationships, fixing your house or car, being a more effective employee or employer. You ever wonder about the people who wander through that section? Or maybe you’ve wondered what other people think about you as you browse those shelves? “Ohh, what’s wrong with them? What problem are they facing in life that they need help?” Of course, we all need help from time-to-time; that’s really not my point in bringing this up.
My point is there seems to be an interesting inconsistency in our culture. Most people don’t like being told what to do. So why is our culture spending a tremendous amount of money on books and other things that do just that? Why are people buying books by Dave Ramsey, Doctor Phil or Rick Warren which tell them how they should be living their life? It’s just a little theory of mine: but I think the reason this happens is because people today are feeling disconnected from any sort of moral authority or moral direction. They know things aren’t quite right in their life, but don’t know where to go for the answers.
The problem for believers is that we have, in certain ways, contributed to this. There’s no doubt that Scripture is the moral authority. So why aren’t people knocking down the doors of the church to get those answers? To be sure, people are rejecting the gospel and there’s nothing we can do about that. We can’t force people to believe. But we can’t deny that part of the blame is ours: that we have not confessed the name of Christ so clearly. We always need to strive to have a clear confession of Christ.
That clear confession begins with our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. It is our shepherd who renews our faith. he is the one who laid is life down for sinners to make them right with God. And that truth of what Jesus did for us must be renewed each day. Each day our faith must feast on this good news so that it can grow. How can we ever expect to confess the name of Christ if we have not called upon the name of Christ, if we have not invoked his blessings and power? It’s foolishness to climb a mountain on an empty stomach, don’t try to proclaim your savior on an empty faith. Fill it with the words of Christ every day, and your faith and your confession will be strong and vigorous, giving people the help they desperately need from Jesus.