A long time ago God used a bunch of poinsonous snakes to grab the attention of his people--the Israelites (you can find that history in Numbers 21). And it worked!

And to this day God still sends snakes into our life. Not quite literally. But he sends us difficulties because he's trying to get our attention. For example: In the 1990s there was this great explosion of technology, people were getting richer and richer. People cared less and less about religion. And God said, “Fine, you want nothing to do with me? I’ll take away your money.” And the technology bubble burst and people lost everything. But that still didn’t work, people still kept focusing on themselves. So he sent two planes into the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon and another crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. But still, people wouldn’t listen. So he sent this terrible Hurricane we named Katrina which devastated so many homes and lives. What is the message here with all these unexpected disasters? Jesus tells us, “But if you will not repent, you too will all perish.” He's trying to get our attention.

So what snakes has God sent into your life? Has he taken something away from you? Has he given you some difficulty? What’s his message to you, “Look at me and live.” Stop looking at yourselves. Stop trying to fight these battles of sin and temptation yourself. He wants us to look at him and remember that he is the only one who has a plan. It was the LORD’s plan to rescue us from the punishment of hell. It was the LORD’s plan to defeat sin; to conquer the devil; to overcome death. It was the LORD who devised a plan to bring our souls and bodies to his side in eternal life. It was the LORD alone who said to us, “Only I can get you from here to the Promised Land of eternal life.” He holds out this promise to you because he wants to save you. And those snakes—those difficulties—make us remember that. They force us away from ourselves and back to the LORD. And, no, it’s not pleasant. It’s not easy. But it’s necessary so that we are humbled and like the Israelites say the LORD, “Help me. Save me.” And he does.