The truth about possessions and wealth is that they tend to pull us into ourselves. That can be a big problem in our life. If that’s happening then it’s putting you at odds with other people. How many spouses argue about money or stuff? How many families are hurt when it’s time to split up the inheritance?

But, the real problem is this is just one more way we rebel against God. Because that’s who we are on our own—rebels who deserve God’s anger and punishment.

Let’s turn things around. Wealth is a blessing when we remember who gives it. It’s God who gives it to us; God who gives us every thing for our enjoyment. It starts when he reminds you that he gave you the wealth of his grace. Through Christ he has forgiven your greed and foolish attitude about wealth. Through Christ it’s all been paid for by his blood. We were in debt to God up to our eyes—up to eternity! But God took care of that debt. He made you rich. You are kings and queens by his grace! You are the princes of his kingdom! You have the wealth of the creator and preserver of this whole universe at your disposal. And you shall reign with him forever in eternity. This world and all its stuff will one day pass away and in its place God will create, out of his love for us, a new heavens and a new earth that will never cease to be perfect in every way. Don’t you see how rich God has made you through Christ?

So take this spiritual wealth and spend it wildly and liberally in your life. Learn how to be a good manager of everything God has given you: time, abilities, treasures. How can you manage those things better? Go and be rich in good deeds by serving people with the blessings God has given to you. How can you use those things to share God’s love? When wealth is other-person focused, then you’ve discovered in a very small way the joy of giving yourself for the sake of other people, just like Christ gave himself for you and made you rich, rich for service.