9/1/2010 11:15:41 AM
Lesley Bergemann
Where Did the Summer Go?
Labor Day is upon us, signaling warm weather activities are nearly done. Goodbye swimming, boating, baseball, parades, picnics, gardening, and summer vacation trips. Even the weekly Milwaukee area summer festivals and fairs are now memories (yes Indian Summer Festival is Sep 10 -11).
There is so much to do in summer that we can be easily distracted from more important things. Has your spiritual life suffered this summer? Changing seasons are a good time to evaluate our spiritual lives and our Bible reading and worship habits.
Have you considered reading the entire Bible by following one of the many 1 or 3 year schedules? Many people find this easier than reading the Bible straight through. It only takes minutes each day. Go to www.wels.net and click "Spiritual Help" then "Through My Bible."