The "greatest" Christians are the humblest servants. In Mark 9 Jesus said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last and the servant of all” (v. 35). Jesus’ words flip our way of thinking and living upside down! I, me, and my are not the key words in my vocabulary. Like Jesus, Christians a heart that is focused on others and puts their will and ways ahead of our own.
This godly attitude can only exist in a heart that knows and believes what Jesus has done. He was so focused on others that he willingly died a most horrible death for them. He endured unthinkable agony and pain. He accepted the rejection of his Father and torment of hell. By his death he has removed the curse of our sins. We will not be punished for our failures. Jesus’ resurrection announces that we are raised to new life. Now we are free from sin to do the things that please God — like humble service to others.
The people around me are the people that Jesus served. He served them by dying on the cross. We’re not called to do that (or even able!), but we too can serve them. We serve when we put others first. In your home, yield your opinion for the sake of another. Look for ways to show selfless Christian love as you help and serve your friends or coworkers. Be a good neighbor to the people in your community.
We are called to follow Jesus. All that he has done as our Savior makes it possible for us to serve others because he has set us free from our sinful selfishness. Be great in the eyes of God as you make yourself a servant of others.
Pastor Aufdemberge
Pastor Kneser
Pastor Wempner
Pastor Zarling
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