Pastor's Blog

April 2014

Accreditation Information

We just finished hearing the report from the Accreditation site time visit. I'm happy to report that they will recommend that Good Shepherd's School receive "exemplary" accreditation status. What this means is that they believe Good Shepherd's met at least 95% of the accrediation standards. I don't think it's too much to say that is a tremendous blessing.

They will report this to the accreditation commission who will make the final determination later this summer.

Jeff Inninger, the team captain, commended us especially for our family atmosphere saying that we have teachers, pastors and staff who clearly love their Lord and love the children we serve at Good Shepherd's. He said in their conversations with parents and students, they hear the word "family" a lot as people talk about the school and the church.

Please take a moment and thank God for this. Please also continue to pray for our school as there is still work to be done.

And finally, thank you for supporting our Good Shepherd's family with your prayers, volunteerism, and much else.

Of course it is not the organization we serve, it is our Savior, Jesus Christ, we serve. All glory goes to him for giving us this gift and we pray that we can continue to serve him faithfully at with our school and our church.

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News and Worship Information

Greetings and God's blessings!
We have a few quick notes for you today (there's a pun there, just so you know).
The Coordinating Board met last night and discussed the current status of the congregation.
•Gifted for Praise has reach the quarter million mark--what a great blessing from God! If you have any questions about your pledge amount, please call the church office. Gifted for Praise is currently tracking about $60,000 less than pledges.
•Boiler updates continue. The church boiler is set to be installed soon after Easter. The school boiler is going to be purchased within the next few weeks to be installed as soon as school is done for the year.
•The Stewardship committee continues to make plans for addressing the offering shortfall.
•Right now we can be thankful that church offerings were about $6,000 more than anticipated. Combined with revenues from school education fees, our current deficit stands about $4,000, which is $24,000 better than we anticipated we would be at this time in the budget.
•An open forum to discuss Milwaukee Parental Choice for Good Shepherd's is April 27th at noon. Please come with questions and comments.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will be processing with palms that morning. The weather forecast calls for rain. If that is the case, we will begin our procession in the fellowship hall. If you have trouble with stairs, you can gather in the entryway, and join the procession from there.

Because it can be a little chaotic it can be easier if you arrive a little earlier than normal.

As part of our Palm Sunday celebration, we're trying a new hymn. It's number 132 in CW. Click here for a MIDI file that you can play on your computer, and click here for a picture of the hymn. Now you can practice it at home to be familiar with it.

God's blessings as you welcome our Savior-king and prepare for Holy Week!

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he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. ~ TITUS 3:5