Pastor's Blog

October 2013

Fundraisers that Work: Step Two

Fundraisers that Work

When it comes to fundraising at Good Shepherd’s, we are different from other organizations in how we use them. Fundraisers can be good, but there are also concerns with them. This series will carefully step us through what makes fundraisers work so they are healthy for God’s people.

Step Two: Fundraisers that work are stewardship driven

Everything we have belongs to God: time, abilities, possessions. And God wants us to manage those things in a way that gives him honor. This is what’s called “stewardship” and stewardship is one way we worship God.

God makes us his managers to give us an opportunity to show our love for him. In Romans 12, God encourages us to give our bodies as an offering of thanks to him for saving us from sin. We respond to God’s love by serving him willingly and joyfully. It’s all about an attitude of thanksgiving. Two people could give offerings of $20 to God. One gives it with thankfulness in their heart to God—this is God-pleasing stewardship. The other does it because they have to—this is sinful. So God-pleasing stewardship happens when people are motivated by God’s forgiveness. Think about how many children joyfully give 25 cents because they love Jesus, while much larger offerings go unnoticed by God because they were never given for the right reason! It’s all about attitude.

Fundraisers may inadvertently cause us to forget the attitude of God-pleasing stewardship by emphasizing the outward action instead of the inner attitude. They may focus on how much money was raised, instead of helping people respond to God’s love.

Godly giving is a joy that lets our trust in God’s promises cry out with songs of praise to the one who saved us. We don’t want to put anything in the way that hinders someone’s joy in giving. But can fundraisers also give us an opportunity to serve and glorify God? Of course! But careful thought must be given as to how they will do that. When they remain focused on the attitude of thanksgiving—they work! Fundraisers that work are stewardship driven.

If you have questions please e-mail them to

Up next! Step Three: Fundraisers that work give more than they swap

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Fundraisers that Work: A Step Back

Last week we talked about fundraisers that work. We said that fundraisers that work are ones that help us focus on the mission Christ gave us to share the forgiveness of sins.

Last week’s article may have raised some questions. First, “Why are we talking about fundraisers?” The topic has come up because some questions arose about doing more fundraising activity at Good Shepherd’s. So it seemed like a good time to discuss the reasons why Christians might decide to do a fundraiser. The series we’re calling “Fundraisers that Work” is designed to carefully step us through the topic of fundraising. God has given us freedom to choose in this area. But that freedom is not a license to just “go and do.” It comes with responsibility to make a choice that is beneficial to Christ’s mission of sharing the message of forgiveness. It also needs to be beneficial to the Christian life of the members of Good Shepherd’s. The topics we will be covering are:

  • Fundraisers that Work…Are Mission Minded (last week’s topic)
  • Fundraisers that Work…Are Stewardship Driven
  • Fundraisers that Work…Give More than They Swap
  • Fundraisers that Work…Understand the Unintentional Consequences
  • Fundraisers that Work…Are Budget Mindful
  • Fundraisers that Work…Are Most Concerned with Motive

The second question might be, “What is a fundraiser?” A fundraiser is any activity that exchanges goods or services for money. One example would be running the Brewers concession stands. We give our services to the Brewers and they grant us a certain percentage of sales to Good Shepherd’s.

So there are two quick answers to the question of fundraisers. Again we appreciate your feedback, if you have questions please ask us:

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Fundraisers that Work: Step One

When it comes to fundraising at Good Shepherd’s, we are different from other organizations in how we use them. Fundraisers can be good, but there are also concerns with them. This series will carefully step us through what makes fundraisers work so they are healthy for God’s people.

Step One: Fundraisers that work are mission-minded

To begin, ask yourself, “Why did Christ put me here on earth?”

Christ did not put you here to accumulate stuff. He put you here to, “go and make disciples.” That’s his command from Matthew 28. And that’s what we do at Good Shepherd’s. Through our church, school and early childhood center we share his message of forgiveness to make disciples.

Can fundraisers be a part of that mission? If fundraisers lead us to focus on our mission of going and making disciples, then yes, of course. But fundraisers typically are focused on acquiring things. And therein lies a concern with fundraisers. Fundraisers may shift our focus away from Christ’s mission to things. They can lead us to place more value on the tools we use to accomplish Christ’s mission. For example: what good would a new scoreboard do if we spent more time talking about the thing rather than about how that thing helps us serve Christ’s mission?

Our mission is more than textbooks, Smartboards, fieldtrips and facilities. Our mission is the soul of every person we can reach with forgiveness. Fundraisers that work are mission-minded.

Thought questions:

If Christians don’t feel the importance of their mission, how might that change their financial support of that mission?

Could this statement ever be true: Fundraisers fill the hole when Christians lose sight of their mission from Christ?

Up next! Step Two: Fundraisers that work are stewardship driven.

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My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. ~ PSALM 62:1