The Cross Today - blog archive

September 2010

Jehovah, Elohim, Adoni

God JEHOVAH You’re the “I AM”, … All else changes You’re the same, … Timeless, changeless, always faithful, … Praise and honor to Your Name. … Lord, the guilty You must punish, … Yet love overflows from You, … Full forgiveness, great compassion, … What You promise, that You do. …… ELOHIM You’re our Creator, … When You spoke all came to be, … And You made us in Your image, … Let us...

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Rule Book for a Righteous Life?

   I recently read a devotion book which presented the Bible as an instruction manual for life, a set of rules, which if followed, lead to a righteous life. These rules (Law) were almost never linked to Jesus’ death on the cross (Gospel).  Such devotion books are becoming very popular.  Some Christians will interpret these devotions in a Biblically correct way, but others can be led into a work righteous attitude, and that is very damaging to one’s Christian...

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9/11 Attack, Oil Spills, Crime

   Today many worry that the world is falling apart. It is so easy for each of us to be caught up in unneeded worry. We sometimes forget what God tells us in the Bible: God is in full control of the past, the present, and the future. From the smallest unknown historical detail to the destiny of nations, from the forces of nature to the actions of animals and people, from the location of every drop of oil to the actions of every terrorist, NOTHING happens without God’s direction...

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Brew and Bible

   In today’s world, the expectation is that we treat everyone with honor and dignity, regardless of race, age, sex, or position in society. Jesus sets the standard for treating everyone the same, male, female, children, rich, poor, and outcasts. The Bible book of Luke emphasizes this aspect of Jesus’ 3 year ministry.    You are invited to study the Gospel of Luke with us. Come once to see what it’s like or come every week as you wish. The same study is...

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Where Did the Summer Go?

   Labor Day is upon us, signaling warm weather activities are nearly done. Goodbye swimming, boating, baseball, parades, picnics, gardening, and summer vacation trips. Even the weekly Milwaukee area summer festivals and fairs are now memories (yes Indian Summer Festival is Sep 10 -11).    There is so much to do in summer that we can be easily distracted from more important things. Has your spiritual life suffered this summer? Changing seasons are a good time to evaluate...

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All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. ~ 2 TIMOTHY 3:16